Hey man!
Instead of all this...
@Unitready stuff, why not try this:
If the slope is too steep for choppers to land on, try a low "flyInHeight".
Put the bird somewhere, remove its fuel or whatever to make her wait on ground.
Then when she's supposed to fly in & rescue yer d00ds, setFuel 1 and use a regular MOVE wp to the rescue spot.
Make her behaviour "careless" and combatMode "never fire".
Then use a command in that WP:
Bird flyinheight 1
which will skip the danger of seeing her trying to land 10 miles away
trying to avoid steep slopes or buildings when landing...
And just put a condition in that WP, so that she won't move any further before the d00ds are in cargo.
"_x in bird" foreach resc
bird flyinheight 60; bird move getpos home
( just define that array in someones INIT field or alike: Resc=[r1,r2,r3] )
And make 'em move to her WP (or a gameLogic below her wp),
then let them get in or simulate it by letting them do a few animations + a moveInCargo.
play around with it & see if you can get it to work, m8