:)To help you out...
;D In order for a person to perform a talk animation, (motion of the lips) you need to specify positions for the talkers lips
which is a *.lip file. :PThis is a super duper headache
To get around it, we have a utility called wavtolip (it can be downloaded in the editors depot). :'( This is a very picky program which I and all my friends have had trouble with (some still are).
You will probably have trouble at first. Don't be freaked out (or think it's a
jipper program) if you do, the program does work. For it to work your *.wav file has to meet the conditions (some may not be there) in the list below in order for it to work.
1.the wavtolip file needs to be on the C: drive root (C:\) or any drive root
2.Utility WILL NOT work with *.ogg files (only *.wav files will work)
3.*.wav file needs to have a constant bit rate (some wave studios and sound utilities have a converter option)
4.*.wav file needs to be '
mono', stereo *.wav files will not work
:afro:If it works, you should see a *.lip file appear in C:\ (or whatever root drive it's on)
once you have your *.lip file, move it into your mission's sound folder. Whoever speaks, will now have their lips move to the sound.