??does the following :
placed within a script DECREASE lag or STAY the SAME, for example when compared to a trigger (that always has a polling interval of 0.5 seconds).
in other words, if i have a choice between a trigger that checks for a globalVariable every 0.5 seconds, is it better (less lag performance) to run a script that looks for the globalVariable, with a polling interval of ~1 second (effectively looking for the var only at half the rate of a trigger).
??so does the ~<number> command in a script still use the same amount of cpu power as when the script is doing something?
in other words, if a script has to command a unit to move somewhere, then wait, does the cpu expend the same amount of time/energy/resources on waiting as it would a command?
MAINLY what i am doing is using scripts instead of triggers to determine stuff, because i dont need the cpu to look every 0.5 seconds, sometimes more like once every 5 minutes, etc.
but i am also encountering lots of other scripts that require pauses, sometimes long ones, and im wondering if this is helping the lag issue or creating more of one.