Hi guys !
Maybe you allready heard anything from me. I`m Pliskin. Actually it`s J.G. Iroquois Pliskin , but you can call me simply Pliskin. I`m need some more guys for my new Mod team. Guys, who can do this:
- AddOn Makers
- Anim makers
- Skinners
- guys, who can texture
- Island makers (WRP etc.)
- Mission Maker (OFP Editor)
- Scripters
- Translaters
- 'Voice makers' (English, German. You shouldn`t be jounger than 16 for this)
- Some, who knows making C++ thinks (you should can write .exe Programmes)
- .cpp writers
- Guys, who know, how to make you own sites.
If you can soemthink like this and if you like to work in my Mod team, mail me here:
I`ll respond as fast I can.
Greetings: Pliskin
ps. Sorry for my English. I hope, you can understand it a bit.