Okay, there are better scripts around the place nowadays, but here's a simple dustoff/extraction script I wrote about a million years ago... You'll want to delete the '*** sideRadio "Mic_Out"' lines, or create a custom sound for yourself. It just plays a bit of static for keying the mic. Edit the 'sideChat' comms lines to say what you want.
I initialise the extraction mission helos with:- this flyInHeight 0; this action [STR_ACTION_ENGINEOFF, this] - in the init field to keep them from starting up, make sure you have both helos sitting on a helipad though.
It's simple and crude: helos just fly point to point from airbase to extract location. Don't call the mission again while it's already running, confuses the hell out of the AI ;-). The AI can also have problems with landing if the area isn't very flat, and sometimes the AI can just do weird things for no apparent reason. Once the helos hit dirt, you've got a limited amount of time to get onboard before they leave without you, don't remember exactly, 45-60 seconds maybe. If you have a squad with you, command them to get onboard and wait for them to get in before you climb in yourself.
And yes, they would send helos for just the two men, thought it would depend on the exact circumstances and their situation.
; pickup the passed parameters
; The helo to be used for the dustoff mission.
_evac = _this select 0
; The helo to be used to escort the dustoff mission.
_escort = _this select 1
; The LZ where the dustoff mission will return to land.
_lz = _this select 2
; The unit calling for dustoff
_dustoff = _this select 3
; The helipad object used for the endZone LZ (suggest use invisible helipad).
_dustoffTarget = _this select 4
; get some position info
; The position of the unit calling for dustoff at the time it was called in.
_endZone = getPos _dustoff
; The position of the return LZ
_base = getPos _lz
; Make sure both helos are healthy.
_escort setDammage 0
_evac setDammage 0
; call in the dustoff mission via radio
_dustoff sideChat "Requesting extraction, Echo Charlie One Niner Red... Taking heat."
_dustoff sideRadio "Mic_Out"
_dustoffTarget setPos _endZone
; helos start up.
driver _escort action [STR_ACTION_ENGINEON,_escort]
driver _evac action [STR_ACTION_ENGINEON,_evac]
; acknowledge dustoff mission and send the helos on their way
_evac sideChat "Copy your Echo Charlie One Niner Red. Angel flight is pitch-pull for the end-zone in 15. Hold tight Lost Dog, cavalry is on the way..."
_evac sideRadio "Mic_Out"
_evac sideChat "Alpha Whiskey, Angels are pitch-pull for Lost Dog mission, Echo Charlie One Niner Red, will advise ETE at airborne soonest, REDLIGHT in 3+40."
_evac sideRadio "Mic_Out"
_escort commandMove _endZone
_escort setBehaviour "COMBAT"
_escort flyInHeight 50
_evac commandFollow _escort
_evac flyInHeight 25
; wait till arrived at dustoff location
@unitReady _escort
_evac sideChat "Lost Dog, Angel... we are overhead your position, pop smoke and standby to extract."
_evac sideRadio "Mic_Out"
; then get to the dirt and wait for dustoff unit to board...
_evac commandMove _endZone
@unitReady _evac
; okay, this bit is a pain in the arse, BIS should really get their AI fixed up here...
_evac land "GET IN"
_evac flyInHeight 0
@unitReady _evac
_dogTimer = 9
?(_dustoff in _evac): goto "dogLoop1"
_dogTimer = (_dogTimer - 1)
?(_dogTimer >= 0): goto "dogLoop"
_evac flyInHeight 30
; then fly back to base
_evac commandFollow _escort
?(_dustoff in _evac): _evac sideChat "Alpha Whiskey, Angel flight is inbound RTB, have Lost Dog on board."
?!(_dustoff in _evac): _evac sideChat "Alpha Whiskey, Angel flight is inbound RTB, negative tally Lost Dog, repeat no tally on Lost Dog."
_evac sideRadio "Mic_Out"
;_escort setBehaviour "CARELESS"
_escort commandMove _base
; wait till arrived at base LZ
@unitReady _escort
; then land the evac helo
_evac commandMove _base
@unitReady _evac
_evac land "LAND"
_evac flyInHeight 0
@unitReady _evac
; then land the escort helo
_escort land "LAND"
_escort flyInHeight 0
; Resup the team
@unitReady _escort
_evac setFuel 1
_evac setDammage 0
_escort setFuel 1
_escort setDammage 0
; all ready for another dustoff mission...
_evac sideChat "Alpha Whiskey, Angel flight on the ground and clear."
_evac sideRadio "Mic_Out"