Well your second post kinda confused me, but to get the Hind to fly/attack a target when west forces enter a specific area or when a shot is fired or a man is killed, you would put it into a trigger like this. When I refer to On Activation there is a syntax in a trigger that has this, and the part that detects
If a man dies and you want it to move
not (alive nameofyourunit)
On Activation: nameofheli domove getpos nameofplacetomoveto;nameofheli SetCombatMode "DANGER"
Danger will make its reaction times slightly quicker.
Or if when a shot is fired. I think this is correct, if not someone correct me
nameofunit AddEventHandler ["Fired"{whathappenswhentheweaponisfired}]
nameofunit AddEventHandler ["Fired"]
On Activation: What you want to do
In the what you want to happenswhat you want to happens part, put somethin like Hind domove getpos placeyouwanttomove or you can get a script in their and do something more imaginative
When west enters a certain area-bloody easy
Just set the trigger to west, so when the west teams are attacking the village metioned in your post, they will advance through the trigger. Now type in, in the triggers On Activation part, Hind domove getpos theplaceuwantittomoveto and some otha stuff stating its combat mode, etc