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Author Topic: Your Verdict  (Read 911 times)

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Your Verdict
« on: 29 Jun 2003, 17:24:14 »
Ok, you've had some time to play with Visitor, and I was curious, which is your preferred mapping tool at the moment, Visitor2 or WRPedit?

For me, still wrpedit, but then I haven't played with V2 much yet.


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Re:Your Verdict
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jun 2003, 23:23:20 »
Wrpedit for me too, I can't even get visitor to work and it has screwed up my oxygen bulldozer views. Wrpedit is buggy but easier to use and it works. I'm beginning to wonder how BIS ever made their islands.


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Re:Your Verdict
« Reply #2 on: 30 Jun 2003, 23:27:13 »
 Well... I haven't tried Visitor and have no plans to do so unless I decide to make a second island in the future.

 After spending so much time with WrpEdit it's very easy to use, and since my island is mostly finished anyways I'll just stick with my old tried and true methods


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Re:Your Verdict
« Reply #3 on: 30 Jun 2003, 23:31:27 »
What ever happened to OFP Internals anyways? I would have liked to see what changes could have been made if they kept with the project.


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Re:Your Verdict
« Reply #4 on: 01 Jul 2003, 20:46:57 »
Gday guys..
I agree with most of the Above..
It seems inconcievable that BIS would release a tool that is a bad beta at best.. good ideas.. but so does alot of other half finished products out there..!
Not only is it in Chech but the controls are difficult and as previously stated better results can be achieved with WRPedit..At least in English most of us would persevere a little  ::) Cmon BIS..testing our patience are we..?
Has anyone been able to import an already WRPedit map into visitor..play around (cut + paste) then been able to reopen in WRPedit...?? That may peek my interest..
Finally what is needed is a mixture of a few programs.. WRPbuddy, WRPedit, Visitor and road placement tool..and of course marksmans config maker..all in one program..or at least easily imported/exported between them..
Copy and Paste.. Better preview mode..Tree/Fence/bush placement..    
These few things would make OFP island making absolutely limitless  8)
Thats my view..
MadAussie out....