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Author Topic: Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial  (Read 1478 times)

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Offline Colonel_Klink

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Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« on: 24 Jun 2003, 04:48:11 »
Knocked this together seeing I'm getting a few emails asking how to do it.
Basic Island Creation Using Paint Shop Pro Online Tutorial
« Last Edit: 24 Jun 2003, 05:30:44 by Colonel_Klink »
Rebel without a pause...D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.

Captain Winters

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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jun 2003, 04:58:46 »
Holy crappers! Nice work man!

Tanks! 8)


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jun 2003, 16:13:52 »
The page was not found error  :'(


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jun 2003, 18:03:15 »
Great page  :thumbsup:

Offline spiffalski

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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jun 2003, 14:29:43 »
Good stuff.

A sugestion:
I use a gaussian blur over the island to smooth it out a bit.
It might help for the rather rough looking coastline.
One persons problem is someone else's solution.


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jun 2003, 05:21:05 »
Thanks CK!
I would like to import some terrain data into PSP instead of paintin an island.
And then make it to tga and convert to ase.
Can this be done?

Ps. I've tried island editing with wrpedit but it never worked for me, couln't get forrest's
to follow terrain and roads took way to long time to get alligned properly.
But with visitor i would like to try again.


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jun 2003, 21:50:33 »
I just can't make this work!?!?
I'm using Jasc paintshop pro 8.
I select new image, set width height 1024 pixels (wanna make a big one!), resolution i'm not sure of(does it matter?), image characteristics Raster background, colordepth 16 million 24 bit transparent, i flood the image with black and start paintin my island with white.
Then i select new mask layer from image set to source opacity, i save mask to alpha channel and i save the image to tga 24 bits uncompressed.
But when i save the image i get this message "Because of the limitations of the specified fileformat (and possible the save options you selected), the saved file will be limited to a merged image. Also as a result of these limitations, only one alpha channel will be saved. Would you like to continue?"
And when i convert the image to Ace format and import it into visitor i get nothing but a empty screen :'( ???
And now i'm really frustrated because i have been doing this all day >:( :o
Please anybody!

Offline Colonel_Klink

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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #7 on: 30 Jun 2003, 09:19:42 »
The mesage you are getting is correct. It is possible that you may have to set the island parameter size to 1024x1024 to import your ase file.
Rebel without a pause...D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #8 on: 30 Jun 2003, 19:11:35 »
Thanks for your reply CK.
I did that and also tried with 256 and 512 but nothing works.
I'm using XP home edition, maybe visitor isn't compatible with xp?
or  maybe it's the TGAtoASE program.
When i convert an 1024 tga i get an ase with a size of 42 mb, is this normal?

Offline Colonel_Klink

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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #9 on: 01 Jul 2003, 09:08:47 »
I'm using XP Professional so the OS isn't your problem.
As for file size, yes ase at 1024 is about 42+Mb. ( a normal 256x256 is about 2.4 megs so 16 times that is pretty close to what you have I think)
Just now I have created and imported a 1024x1024 ase file.
To see if it has loaded use the  '-' key to zoom out and click on the Show Contours button (9th one from left, bottom row). I have the island showing as contours..
Hope this helps
« Last Edit: 01 Jul 2003, 09:10:47 by Colonel_Klink »
Rebel without a pause...D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F.


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #10 on: 01 Jul 2003, 09:24:41 »
Tried that to, didn't help either.


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Re:Paint Shop Pro Online Island Creation Tutorial
« Reply #11 on: 01 Jul 2003, 19:27:33 »
Well, i tried using any non zero value instead of source opacity and this gives some results. But something is not right because the only contours i see are the ones that surrounds the island. There's no contuor lines in the island and when connecting to bulldozer the island doesn't show up ???
Could someone make a step by step tutorial where you really carve it out in every little detail because there must be some stupid little thing i have missed.