I dont know where to turn, Im making a series of campigns.. WWII and Nam,, Ive opened up a free web space at anglefire and would like to make a website dedicated to campaign makers, with tips, scripts and so on.. Also downloads of my campaigns. The goal is to get a bigger webspace and laucnh a single payer campaign.. Like Virtual Sas,, Do missions gain points and rank,, on a league table.. But missions will be set from pvt status to Major... This be the responsiblity difference in the commanding units in missions. Oopps (sorry i stick with point). I cant do it,, Ive played around and I just cant make a bloody webpage.. I know nothing of html and would really need a partner in on this who does.. I know its alot to ask,, but if any one is out there and is bored. Even a start of a page would be great..