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Author Topic: How to get rid of what ever it is  (Read 926 times)

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How to get rid of what ever it is
« on: 20 Jun 2003, 22:04:07 »
hi ya guys I have got hold of a group of royal marines for flash point i think they pretty good execpt at the end of their guns they have a horrible what looks like a flash on them ummm i'll explain you know when you fire a gun you get the flash yeah well its like that but its there all the time and I just wanted to know if i can get rid of it and how (i've never done any of this stuff so please explain in dumbass terms lol)

thx in advance Abyss



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Re:How to get rid of what ever it is
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jul 2003, 07:24:06 »
so teh gun flash when you shoot stays there all teh time? its called the Muzzle flash bug, what version of OFP do u have?


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Re:How to get rid of what ever it is
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jul 2003, 09:42:02 »
I'm guessing you're running Resistance (v1.75+) and are using Bibmi's Royal Marines, the muzzel flash problem occurs because they were designed for Cold War Crisis (v1.0 - 1.46), it can be fixed but there is a beta version of Bibmi's latest RMs here:


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Re:How to get rid of what ever it is
« Reply #3 on: 12 Jul 2003, 13:50:40 »
Yeh i have the same thing happens with my weapon addons,(The ones I create) so for the moment i have turned off making weapons, but could anyone please tell me what i have to do?  I had the same thing happen to me on the Humvee pack that i downloaded foe 1.46 when i was using this version then i upgraded to 1.90 and the flash was always there, but i did something in the config file and it fixed it, thing is i dont no what i did, and in the time passed, lost the original file and the edited one so i cannot compare.

A confused Lt. Shitkilla...


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Re:How to get rid of what ever it is
« Reply #4 on: 18 Jul 2003, 20:24:28 »
name the parts that are the flash "zasleh" (w/o quotes) in o2 ( zasleh is czech for flash or muzzle flash or something like that)