I need help with creating units and giving them identities please!
My script looks as follow:
"SoldierWB" CreateUnit [getMarkerPos "testmarker", Testgroup, "new_soldier = this", 1, "Lieutnant"]
Testgroup was created a time ago, and all works fine! Got the unit instantly on the map, all settings are OK and my soldier is working.
But: How can I assign the unit an identity?
Yeah, right, with the "SetIdentity" command, looking like this:
new_soldier SetIdentity "Tony_Curtis" ("Tony_Curtis" is an identity added in the description.ext)
After doing the above script line, assigning the identity doesnt work.
Naturally I tried giving the SetIdentity command in the INIT-Field of the Unit above..
So the code will look as follows:
"SoldierWB" CreateUnit [getMarkerPos "testmarker", Testgroup, "new_soldier = this; this SetIdentity "Tony_Curtis"", 1, "Lieutnant"]
You see the problem? the "" (double "" ) is the problem...
How can I solve this problem?