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Author Topic: Javelin Missile System  (Read 1541 times)

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Javelin Missile System
« on: 27 Jun 2003, 23:30:02 »
Is anyone interested in helping me make a realistic javelin missile system, and maybe the new ITAS TOW system?


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jun 2003, 23:53:09 »
i am!!!!!!

contact me at odysseus_3@lineone.net


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #2 on: 28 Jun 2003, 03:23:22 »
Yeah Kegyts made one in one of his packs.

DOnt know if its "real", but it was annoying cause you had to aim it at like 60* in the air to shoot it, since it would fall down straight away and blow you up.

Dont know if the launcher was realistic (as in textures and features)


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #3 on: 28 Jun 2003, 07:56:48 »
i think the javelin attacks from above the target so thats why it did that
i hated it cuz half the time the guy would spawn without it....it may be my DL was crap i dunno


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #4 on: 28 Jun 2003, 18:30:14 »
Kegetys is a good first attempt at the Javelin, the reason that you have to superelevate the missile is because the real missile stits angled up on your shoulder at almost a 45 degreee angle. His shounds that he used are the real sound of a Javilen firing and the missile fight is pretty good. The real Javelin has top attack and regular frontal attack. A major problem is the guidence unit (CLU) is not on his model.


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jun 2003, 16:40:39 »
I got other guys helping with this now, I am looking for a guy to help with the model and the texturing........if interested let me know.


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jun 2003, 16:45:42 »


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #7 on: 30 Jun 2003, 22:10:28 »
operation codeblue have just released a few screen shots

and a SMAW


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #8 on: 30 Jun 2003, 22:17:45 »
Yeah I just found out about that, it looks good I guess they beat me to the punch..........damn it I hate it when that happens.


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #9 on: 30 Jun 2003, 22:25:46 »
LOL i get the same problem,  Why think like that? Whydont you still build it, and see if it is as good as operation code blue? I myself have a lot more stuff to build then weopons


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Re:Javelin Missile System
« Reply #10 on: 30 Jun 2003, 23:45:22 »
dont worry army lots of other addons to make out there