Ya, i did hints throughout the whole thing... and got rid of the variable. Here is how the script looks now:
_rSx = getpos spack select 0
_rSy = getpos spack select 1
_rSz = getpos spack select 2
_randXY = random 5
hint "respawn"
"OfficerG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u1 = this"]
"SoldierGG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u2 = this"]
"SoldierGMG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u3 = this"]
"SoldierGG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u4 = ths"]
"SoldierGLAW" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u5 = this"]
"SoldierGB" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u6 = this"]
"SoldierGMedic" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupBravo, "u7 = this"]
[u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,7] join ul
hint "attack"
player reveal u1
groupbravo setbehaviour "Combat"
groupbravo setcombatMode "RED"
groupbravo move getpos urak1
"OfficerG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u8 = this"]
"SoldierGG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u9 = this"]
"SoldierGMG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u10 = this"]
"SoldierGG" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u11 = this"]
"SoldierGLAW" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u12 = this"]
"SoldierGB" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u13 = this"]
"SoldierGMedic" CreateUnit [[(_rSx + +randXY),(_rSz + _randXY),(_rSz + 0.5)], groupCharlie, "u14 = this"]
[u8,u9,u10,u11,u12,u14] join ul2
groupcharlie setbehaviour "Combat"
groupCharlie setcombatmode "RED"
groupCharlie move getpos player
spawnres1 = false
ul and ul2 are the units that make groupBravo and groupCharlie active.
The script appears to be behaving like it should, it just wont get the units to appear!