I don't know how it happened.
In my mission sqm are about 300 to 500 "items" (?!) that are not in my mission. Mostly markers but alot of units and helicopters, ect... You can't
see any of these items in the mission editor, but there in the mission sqm (!?) I can't even merge my intro (made it seperate from the mission) cause it says I have to many units already (even though there are none on the map!)
I'm sure they all came from me "merging" stuff from other missions of mine (how else). and now I'm trying to edit all the CRAP out of the mission sqm by looking at a normal, non-corrupted, BIS mission sqm
and knowing what is in my mission and what is not in there.Is that even possible or do I have to rebuild the whole friggen mission from scratch? (can I even say friggen?)
When I try to start my "edited version" of the mission sqm,
I get a message saying...
"Cannot load mission" I thought maybe I was missing some of those wierd thingys
}; or } or { or even the correct position of the above thingys. but everything seems correct
It don't crash to desk-top...just the above message.
Thanx 4 any help (are you asleep yet?) ;D