The noseDownCoef = 1.0; determines how much the nose drops during turns...lower is less
aileronSensitivity = 1.0;
elevatorSensitivity = 1.0;
How sensitive the ailerons and flaps are..A10 has settings of 1,making them lower values makes the plane less touchy
Appears to be how close they are to where they are supposed to be... A plane set with this to 10 for example shouldnt wander more than 10 meters from the formation its supposed to be
flapsFrictionCoef = 0.8;
How effective the flaps are
landingAoa = 10*3.1415/180;
Angle of attack (approach) for planes, some planes need wider angles and a longer approach (for AI usage)
landingSpeed = 250;
How fast the AI will land your plane,too fast and it will take damage,too slow it will land short of the runways (from my experiences)
Wish I knew how to change the acceleration, I have yet to test:
Possible a plane with a large brakedistance has better performance,I have changed these values and noticed no difference.Possible its just related to how much landing area it needs
Dunno yet ? That could be a good one?
Dunno either,i see alot set to 0's
I been working on engagement lately and Evis is correct about the cost.
The targets with higher cost will be attacked first and weapons with lower cost normally are used first (unless of course its attacking the high cost vehicle)
From what I gather,of course with little to no documentation available