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Author Topic: Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!  (Read 1982 times)

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Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« on: 12 Jun 2003, 15:01:38 »

As you guys all know, there are only so many addons that you can have in you directory, before you get a "memory map" message from OFP.
So having to include addons that you don't need just so you can use addons that you do need is a major headache.

I'm specifically referring to the Desert/Winter M2A2 Bradley (MTL_M2A2) by Mads Furuvald from Metal Productions.

In order to work, it needs the MTL_CrewW.pbo and
STERangers.pbo (ver2.x) addons, which themselves need somekind of weapons addon. (Goddammit!  >:( )

So here's the thing:
Could someone tell me what to delete from the Bradley's config.cpp file so that only an empty, uncrewed version appears in OFP (I'll put my own damn crew in it).

PS: I'm not trying to edit it for distribution or pass it off as my own.  It's just for my own use.
(or could someone tell me where I can get an "Addon-independent" desert Bradley Addon).

the Config.cpp is:
// some basic defines
#define TEast 0
#define TWest 1
#define TGuerrila 2
#define TCivilian 3
#define TSideUnknown 4
#define TEnemy 5
#define TFriendly 6
#define TLogic 7

#define true 1
#define false 0

// type scope
#define private 0
#define protected 1
#define public 2

#define CanSeeRadar 1
#define CanSeeEye 2
#define CanSeeOptics 4
#define CanSeeEar 8
#define CanSeeCompass 16
#define CanSeeRadarC CanSeeRadar+CanSeeCompass
#define CanSeeAll 31

class CfgPatches
   class MTLBradley
      units[] = {MTLBradleyT2,MTLBradleyWO,MTLBradleyD,MTLBradleyDO,MTLBradleyW};
      weapons[] = {};
      requiredVersion = 1.30;
   class MTL_TOW1
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {MTL_TOW1};
      requiredVersion = 1.30;
   class MTL_TOW2
      units[] = {};
      weapons[] = {MTL_TOW2};
      requiredVersion = 1.30;

class CfgAmmo
   class Default {};
   class BulletSingle : Default {};
   class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle {};
   class Cannon30HE: ExplosiveBullet
   { // in fact this is 2 bullets burst
      // explosive bullets
      hit=60; indirectHit=25; indirectHitRange=4;



   class Cannon30AP: BulletSingle
   { // in fact this is 2 bullets burst

      hit=70; indirectHit=5; indirectHitRange=1;

      minRange=10; minRangeProbab=0.80;
      midRange=500; midRangeProbab=0.95;
      maxRange=3000; maxRangeProbab=0.05;
   class AT3 : Default {};
   class MTLTOW2A : AT3

class CfgWeapons
   class Default {};
   class LAWLauncher: Default {};
   class CarlGustavLauncher : LAWLauncher {};
   class AT3Launcher: CarlGustavLauncher {};
   class MTL_TOW2 : AT3Launcher   
      displayName = TOW2A;
      displayNameMagazine = TOW2A Missile;
      shortNameMagazine = TOW2A;
      scopemagazine = 2;
      scopeWeapon = 0;
      shotFromTurret = true;
      autoFire = true;

   class MTL_TOW1 : AT3Launcher
      displayName = TOW1;
      displayNameMagazine = TOW1 Missile;
      shortNameMagazine = TOW1;
      scopemagazine = 2;
      scopeWeapon = 0;
      shotFromTurret = true;
      autoFire = true;

   class Cannon30HE : Default
      scopeWeapon = private;
      scopeMagazine = public;
      primary = false;
      autoFire = true;
      shotFromTurret = true;
      displayName = Cannon 30mm HE;
      displayNameMagazine =30mm High Explosive shell;
      shortNameMagazine = 30mm HE;

      maxLeadSpeed=450; // max estimated speed km/h
      optics = 1; //true?
      // reloadSound[]={Weapons\reload,db-60,1};

   class Cannon30AP: Cannon30HE
      shotFromTurret = true;
      displayName = Cannon 30mm AP;
      displayNameMagazine =30mm Armour Pierce shell;
      shortNameMagazine = 30mm AP;


   class Cannon30: Default
      scopeWeapon = public;
      scopeMagazine = private;

      shotFromTurret = true;

      displayName=Canon 30mm;

      backgroundReload = true;

      magazines[] = {Cannon30HE,Cannon30AP};

class WeaponCloudsGun {};
class WeaponCloudsMGun : WeaponCloudsGun {};

class CfgVehicles
   class All{};
   class AllVehicles:All{};
   class Land:AllVehicles{};
   class LandVehicle: Land {};
   class Tank: LandVehicle {};
   class APC: Tank {};
   class M113: APC {};
   class M2A2: M113 {};

   class MTLBradley: M2A2
    displayName="MTL M2A2";
    weapons[]={Cannon30, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW1};
    magazines[]={Cannon30HE, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW1, MTL_TOW1, MTL_TOW1};
      class TransportMagazines
         class _xx_M16
         class _xx_M4
         class _xx_STTMKmag
         class _xx_M60
         class _xx_GrenadeLauncher
         class _xx_Flare
         class _xx_LAWLauncher
         class _xx_M21
      class TransportWeapons
         class _xx_M16
         class _xx_SEBM4
         class _xx_STTM4MK
         class _xx_M60
         class _xx_SEBM4GL
         class _xx_NVGoggles
         class _xx_Binocular
         class _xx_LAWLauncher
         class _xx_M21

      class GunClouds : WeaponCloudsMGun {};
      class Turret
         gunAxis = "OsaHlavne";
         turretAxis = "OsaVeze";

         gunBeg = "usti hlavne";
         gunEnd = "konec hlavne";
         body = "OtocVez";
         gun = "OtocHlaven";

      class IndicatorSpeed
         selection = "ukaz_rychlo";
         axis = "osa_rychlo";
         angle = -320;
         min = 0;
         max = 37;
    gunnerOpticsModel = "optika_tank_gunner";
    gunnerAction = ManActM2A2GunnerOut;
    gunnerInAction = ManActM2A2Gunner;
    driverAction = ManActM2A2Driver;
    driverInAction = ManActM2A2Driver;
    commanderAction = ManActM2A2CommanderOut;
    commanderInAction = ManActM2A2Commander;
    hasCommander = 1;
    outGunnerMayFire = 0;
    forceHideGunner = 0;
    viewGunnerInExternal = 0;
    commanderUsesPilotView = 1;

   class MTLBradleyT2:MTLBradley
    displayName="MTL M2A2 TOW2";
    weapons[]={Cannon30, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW2};
    magazines[]={Cannon30HE, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW2, MTL_TOW2, MTL_TOW2};

   class MTLBradleyWO:MTLBradley
    displayName="MTL M2A2 Arctic";
      class TransportWeapons
         class _xx_M16
         class _xx_SEBSnowM4
         class _xx_STTM4MK
         class _xx_M60
         class _xx_SEBSnowM4GL
         class _xx_NVGoggles
         class _xx_Binocular
         class _xx_LAWLauncher
         class _xx_M21


   class MTLBradleyDO:MTLBradley
    displayName="MTL M2A2 Desert";
      class TransportWeapons
         class _xx_M16
         class _xx_SEBDesM4
         class _xx_STTM4MK
         class _xx_M60
         class _xx_SEBDesM4GL
         class _xx_NVGoggles
         class _xx_Binocular
         class _xx_LAWLauncher
         class _xx_M21


   class MTLBradleyW:MTLBradley
    displayName="MTL M2A2 TOW2 Arctic";
    weapons[]={Cannon30, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW2};
    magazines[]={Cannon30HE, Cannon30AP, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW2, MTL_TOW2, MTL_TOW2};
      class TransportWeapons
         class _xx_M16
         class _xx_SEBSnowM4
         class _xx_STTM4MK
         class _xx_M60
         class _xx_SEBSnowM4GL
         class _xx_NVGoggles
         class _xx_Binocular
         class _xx_LAWLauncher
         class _xx_M21


   class MTLBradleyD: MTLBradley
    displayName="MTL M2A2 TOW2 Desert";
    weapons[]={Cannon30, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW2};
    magazines[]={Cannon30HE, Cannon30AP, MachineGun7_6, MTL_TOW2, MTL_TOW2, MTL_TOW2};
      class TransportWeapons
         class _xx_M16
         class _xx_SEBDesM4
         class _xx_STTM4MK
         class _xx_M60
         class _xx_SEBDesM4GL
         class _xx_NVGoggles
         class _xx_Binocular
         class _xx_LAWLauncher
         class _xx_M21


class CfgNonAIVehicles
   class ProxyCrew {};
   class ProxyDriver: ProxyCrew {};

   class ProxyM2A2driver: Proxydriver {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2Ddriver: Proxydriver {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2Wdriver: Proxydriver {};

   class ProxyGunner: ProxyCrew {};

   class ProxyM2A2gunner: ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2Dgunner: ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2Wgunner: ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyM2A2GunnerOutStat:ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2DGunnerOutStat:ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2WGunnerOutStat:ProxyGunner {};

   class ProxyCommander: ProxyCrew {};
   class ProxyM2A2Commander: ProxyCommander {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2DCommander: ProxyCommander {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2WCommander: ProxyCommander {};

   class ProxyM2A2CommanderOutStat:ProxyCommander {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2DCommanderOutStat:ProxyCommander {};

   class ProxyMTLM2A2WCommanderOutStat:ProxyCommander {};

   class ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyMTLTOW2A: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyCannon30AP: ProxyWeapon {};
   class ProxyCannon30HE: ProxyWeapon {};

class CfgVehicleActions
   M2A2Driver = "M2A2Driver";
   M2A2Commander = "M2A2Commander";
   M2A2CommanderOut = "M2A2CommanderOut";
   M2A2Gunner = "M2A2Gunner";
   M2A2GunnerOut = "M2A2GunnerOut";
class CfgGroups
   class West
      class infantry
      name="MTL MechInf";
         class MTLMechInfDT2
      // Desert Group
            name="MTL/STE MechInf desert TOW2"
            class Unit0
            class Unit1
            class Unit2
            class Unit3
            class Unit4
            class Unit5
            class Unit6
         class MTLMechInfDT1
      // Desert Group
            name="MTL/STE MechInf desert TOW1"
            class Unit0
            class Unit1
            class Unit2
            class Unit3
            class Unit4
            class Unit5
            class Unit6
      // Arctic Group
         class MTLMechInfAT2
            name="MTL/STT MechInf Arctic TOW2"
            class Unit0
            class Unit1
            class Unit2
            class Unit3
            class Unit4
            class Unit5
            class Unit6
         class MTLMechInfAT1
            name="MTL/STT MechInf Arctic TOW1"
            class Unit0
            class Unit1
            class Unit2
            class Unit3
            class Unit4
            class Unit5
            class Unit6
      // Default Group
         class MTLMechInfT2
            name="MTL MechInf TOW2"
            class Unit0
            class Unit1
            class Unit2
            class Unit3
            class Unit4
            class Unit5
            class Unit6


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #1 on: 12 Jun 2003, 15:19:11 »
If you change anywhere it says: crew="MTL_DRVSNOW";
to something like: crew="SoldierWCrew";
then you shouldnt need the MTL_CrewW.pbo.

If you remove all references to anything STT or SEB from the transport magazines and weapons, as well as the groups config, (and anywhere else) then you shouldnt need the STERangers.pbo.

Try it out and see how you go with that.  ;)
But as you said, you dont want to make this public at all.

Offline RT-SuperTron

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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jun 2003, 15:29:11 »
I am willing to bet that you have a lot of "addons" which you only use on specific "maps"/Islands. I suggest that you keep them all, by placing them into "MOD FOLDERS". That way your OFP will read your addon/Res addon folder and the mod folder you need. It have safed me a hell lot of trouble.. ;)



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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #3 on: 13 Jun 2003, 00:27:56 »
Thanks, I'll give it a try.

How do you mean?
D'you mean  (for example for BAS addons) I should make a BAS folder, with all the "BAS".pbo files in it, and keep it in the Res/Addons folder?
Or would I keep it in the regular Addons folder?


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #4 on: 13 Jun 2003, 02:02:24 »
Yeah, mod folders can be very helpful if you have too many addons for your comp to handle at once.

Check this wonderful site:


And do a search on the left side for "mod folder"

It will be the first thing that comes up and it's explained in great detail by The Avon Lady.   ;)



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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #5 on: 13 Jun 2003, 02:26:53 »
So what I understood from Avon Lady's FAQ is that you still have to adjust the "Target" field in the OFP Shortcut's "Properties" window, every time you want to or don't want to use an Mod/Addon folder?

For instance, he give the example where he uses two unofficial mods: Vietnam and Generals.

And he says:
You can specify multiple -mod folder names. For example:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.exe" -nosplash -mod=@DynamicRange;@General

So my question is, if he doesn't want to load the Vietnam folder he has to go back into the shortcut's properties and adjust/edit the "Target" field.
All before he loads OFP?


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #6 on: 13 Jun 2003, 03:04:30 »

The Avon Lady is a very helpful she.   ;)  

And yes, you understand the mod folder process from the sound of it.  (did you try it?)

Isn't that easier than editing every addon that you have this kind of problem with?  Hmmm??   ;)   :)  (I don't care either way of course, just trying to help)

« Last Edit: 13 Jun 2003, 03:05:21 by Asmodeus »


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #7 on: 13 Jun 2003, 04:24:55 »
And he says:So my question is, if he doesn't want to load the Vietnam folder he has to go back into the shortcut's properties and adjust/edit the "Target" field.
All before he loads OFP?

Not that much work.  Create a new shortcut on your desktop for each mod folder you want to use.  I only have one, for the BAS stuff.  It's target line looks like this:
"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.EXE" -nosplash -mod=BAS

and I place all the BAS addons under:
C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\BAS

You can do that for BAS or Nam or whatever mods/addons you want.



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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #8 on: 13 Jun 2003, 06:08:34 »
I hear your plight brother. I totally agree with you even though I manage my addons very shrewdly. I just -hate- waste. Perhaps I like "one" vehicle out of a mod. I really wish addonmakers would just outfit their default vehicles with standard crew and with a few brief initstring commands... voila! the relevant tank crew (should you choose to use it) is in the tank.

This is my own personal take on it. I find addonmakers who do that and then .bin their addons so as to not allow you to modify that for your liking are childish arses. I'm talking about .bin'ing the cpp and not even binarizing the addon, that's just immature! Personally I'd like to see those egoist, pretentious addonmakers who see fit to make people do things their way or no way at all strung up. Useless they are.
« Last Edit: 13 Jun 2003, 06:12:45 by Baphomet »


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #9 on: 13 Jun 2003, 06:20:35 »

Thanks, I just needed to get it clear.
And I appreciate your help.
Haven't tried it yet but I'm gonna have to, cuz the number of "standard" (= addons I never delete) unofficial addons is growing out of control.

and I place all the BAS addons under:
C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\BAS

You can do that for BAS or Nam or whatever mods/addons you want.

Just to clarify, do you place it in:

C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\Res\Addons\BAS

C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\Addons\BAS


C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\BAS


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #10 on: 13 Jun 2003, 23:15:31 »
You're welcome.   :)

About your question..  deaddog told you the answer, and the answer is also at The Avon Lady's FAQ...

Just try it out man!  It's not like a lightning bolt is gonna strike you if you do it wrong!  Trial and error is the key to learning in OFP!   :o   ;)   :P



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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #11 on: 13 Jun 2003, 23:30:39 »
C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\BAS

is the directory I have the BAS stuff in.

I learned all this from Avon Ladys FAQ (Thanks AV)  :)


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Re:Grrrrr... Addons that need Addons ... grrr!
« Reply #12 on: 14 Jun 2003, 15:52:02 »
I told you the incorrect directory, it should be:
C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\BAS\addons

Put all the BAS pbo files under that directory.

Sorry about that.  :-[