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Author Topic: But BIS's Roads dont flicker  (Read 2261 times)

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But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« on: 11 Jun 2003, 08:44:50 »
After working on an island...... you start to notice little things about how BIS's island compare to yours, weird right?

I noticed that bis doesnt do anything special for intersections and they dont seem to flicker like the roads placed by me in wrp edit. Is there any way I can have overlapping roads that don't flicker?


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #1 on: 11 Jun 2003, 09:09:13 »
   I think the key is to use the resistance roads and actually get them as close as humanly possible but without overlapping.... hard I know.. but I think that's about the only thing you can do about it ..


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #2 on: 11 Jun 2003, 10:35:49 »
Objects that overlap will flicker, because the game doesn't know which one to put on top.

Like Kaliyuga said.....put them very very close together (I actually use a slight overlap....in game space about 20cm). That's all you can do.


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #3 on: 11 Jun 2003, 11:36:33 »
  I think the key is to use the resistance roads and actually get them as close as humanly possible but without overlapping.... hard I know.. but I think that's about the only thing you can do about it ..

What he said... ;)  I spent hours on end trying to get Skye's roads looking the best...  It was all those Islands that didn't have proper roads that drove me to it.... (Im a perfectionist). ;) ;D

Waterman. :)


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #4 on: 12 Jun 2003, 19:36:29 »
Is there anywere I can get a list of the roads in 1.46 and res? I have been using the config in the editor upgrade and that isnt showing all of them  ???

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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #6 on: 14 Jun 2003, 01:01:06 »
and BIS didnt use wrpedit  ::)
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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #7 on: 14 Jun 2003, 01:26:35 »
 :) some BIS roads overlap - AND flicker! Malden has a few, I know.

But making island is not this "every-mans-job" like many ppl seem 2 think;
in fact, only VERY few ppl should do this kind of work - people whom are willing to literally spend MONTHS  :o before even revealing the fact that they are working on a new island!!!! And then, 3-4 more months (!) should pass before the first beta is released for public feedback etc.

Not childs play!  :P :-\ :)

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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #8 on: 14 Jun 2003, 16:37:05 »
Tis true.......some of BIS's roads do overlap a little and flicker.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #9 on: 14 Jun 2003, 22:03:14 »
There is also another possibility to make roads look good without them flickering, but it only really works on straight roads as it requires some math:

When I was working on the GTA mod I had the rather unpleasent duty of making a city (get the first pre-BETA here:http://members.lycos.co.uk/ofpadved. Bothe the site and the island were never finished btw). Anyway I was trying to make the roads fit seemlessly.... and then I had an idea - each of my road parts was a certain length (20m I think) and you can actually set the exact coordinates in the Object placement window in WRPEdit. So what I did was, I placed a road part at say [1000, 1000, 0] and then the next road at [1000, 1020, 0]. that way they fit absolutely perfectly, as you will see if you DL the map. This may be of help when making roads for other islands - exept calculating the exact positions for curved roads would be far more complicated. But possible, nevertheless.



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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #10 on: 15 Jun 2003, 15:01:13 »
erm yer

i would have thought that entering coords was the only real way of placing roads and fences  :-\


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #11 on: 16 Jun 2003, 00:51:39 »
Errm no. You can move objects by holding Alt and then clicking on the object and dragging it somewhere.


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #12 on: 16 Jun 2003, 17:11:26 »
yer u ca move objects with alt, i wouldnt suggest  placing objects to precision with it, or u will get flicker


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #13 on: 16 Jun 2003, 17:14:55 »
unless its a dirt road, they have a lot more freeplay

Offline Gielovic

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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #14 on: 21 Jun 2003, 12:00:31 »
Use Visitor,
the original island editor which BiS also uses. No problems with lining out all the roads


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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #15 on: 23 Jun 2003, 05:11:43 »
Hard to do when about 80% of the island is finished in wrp edit and importing wrp edit wrp files into visitor then trying to save doesnt work  :-\

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Re:But BIS's Roads dont flicker
« Reply #16 on: 23 Jun 2003, 20:18:10 »
I don't know how to do that. It's possible though.