Why why why why why won't dude dotarget gamelogic; dude dofire gamelogic work?
I need a loon to fire an RPG into the air for a cut-scene, so i setpos'd the GL to 20m and put the do target/dofire commands in a trig and removed dudes primary weapon but dude just won't fire at the darn GL! I have also tried using a marker but as u can't setpos a marker it's no good (i don't think he fired at a marker either)
Can this be done? If so, how?
Thx in advance :thumbsup:
Getting an RPGsoldier to target/fire upwards can be pretty dayum hard, as the weapon is not defined as an AA weapon but a GG (ground to ground-) weapon in flashpoint. :-\
Why not just use an AALauncher?
you could put a (flying) AH1 up in the air, write "this stop true" in the INIT and name the bird A1.
And slide the AMMO bar all the way to the left to remove its ammo.
Then set up a trigger:
cond: !alive a1
On Activ: deleteVehicle a1; deleteVehicle a1D; deleteVehicle a1G
This way, no chopper will fall down & crash
you will only hear the low impact of the rocket.
And no pilot/gunner will drop!
Oh, and don't worry about the engineSound of the chopper; just put on some music and set the "FadeSound" to "null" in your camera script
( 0 fadeSound 0.00 )