Hey, I wonder if anyone could help me, I'm currently running OFP 1.46. And am having trouble sorting my script out.
Basically, i'm trying to increase a soldiers fighting load from say just three mags to eight. I'm using the script below at the moment:
_Gunner = _this select 0
?_Gunner ammo "HK" ==2 : goto "reduce"
?!alive _Gunner : exit
goto "Start"
?_XMags==1: goto "moreammo"; Hint "Mag from Bag"
_Gunner addmagazine "HK"
goto "Start"
As you can hopefully see, the plan was for the _XMags amount to reduce each time until the script exits, at the moment all it does is either constantly re-arm the player (not realistic) or not work at all.
Any help or guidance would be appreicated.
P.S attached .SQS file that i've been working on.