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Author Topic: why do my textures blur when applied to model  (Read 2139 times)

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why do my textures blur when applied to model
« on: 08 Jun 2003, 15:26:54 »
i have applied the texture to the model
and it works fine apart from
the texture in very, very blurred
in both buldozer and flashpoint
i know this is not a feature of the game because it is does not happen on other model that i have downloaded

ps i am only working with paa in fact that might be it (i dunno) i will try pac and see wot happens, but ne help would be much appriciated


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #1 on: 08 Jun 2003, 18:25:40 »
what size of them do you use?
try using for exapmle 256*256 imho


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #2 on: 08 Jun 2003, 19:36:11 »
i am using 2^x sizes
the one i'm trying to get to work is 512x1024


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #3 on: 08 Jun 2003, 21:02:56 »
 when you load your texture.. right click and you should see an option to "correct Aspect"   not having the proper aspect for your textures can lead to severe blurring ;)


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #4 on: 08 Jun 2003, 21:38:55 »
nope i have tried with and with out correct aspect and the problem occurs for both


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #5 on: 09 Jun 2003, 00:06:10 »
2 things:

1.  What happens if you use a pic that's 256 x 512??

2.  Check your ofp preferences and make sure the texture settings allow 1024 textures!   ;)



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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #6 on: 09 Jun 2003, 12:28:20 »
nope still does it with 512x512


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #7 on: 09 Jun 2003, 13:32:51 »

Well, you said this:

the one i'm trying to get to work is 512x1024

Is it the same texture?  Cause if you converted that size of a texture to 512x512 it would definately be blurry before you even applied it!   :o   ;)

Did you try 256x512?



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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #8 on: 09 Jun 2003, 14:16:29 »
no the image looks fine in texview and when i load it into o2 as a back gound image, its only once i aply it and view it in buldozer/ofp that the image is blurry


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #9 on: 09 Jun 2003, 15:38:25 »
Did you check what Asmo said earlier, check your OFP Preferences (from the start menu) are set up to allow textures of 512+?

If that is set right it should look right ingame but will probably still be blurry in buldozer.
In which case, copy your flashpoint.cfg from your ofp directory to your buldozer directory. Then it should look fine in buldozer as well.


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #10 on: 09 Jun 2003, 19:13:14 »
i will try but i'm not sure it will make a difference

i think the problem is with the textures themselves as it seems to work with official textures

my method

jpg -> tga using adobe photo suit (i think it's called, defiently adobe)
tga -> paa using texview


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #11 on: 09 Jun 2003, 22:24:06 »
Try putting the .tga version of the pic in your addon folder..

Then load the texture using O2 and let it do the converting!  I almost never convert with texview unless I'm going backwards.  (ie converting a .paa that I made back to .tga cause I lost the original .tga or somethin)

Oh yeah, btw, as far as I know, none of the BIS textures were above 512x512.   ;)   ;)  It can't hurt to try all the suggestions on here or else you might not solve your problem!



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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #12 on: 09 Jun 2003, 23:17:15 »
i have tried everything suggested on this topic mentioned so far

apart from the one you just suggested, i will try that but am unsure of how to convert using o2 could you please give me some pointers, just something simple i'm usually pretty good at picking stuff liek this up


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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #13 on: 09 Jun 2003, 23:56:57 »
ok that didnt work
 here is a screen of the texture as it looks when in bulldozer, o2 and the options i have for o2



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Re:why do my textures blur when applied to model
« Reply #14 on: 10 Jun 2003, 02:05:45 »

I think I know why I can't be of much help with this problem..  The method you are using for texturing is far different than what I do.

I texture one very small piece at a time, where you are trying to apply one texture to a large area...  When you do it that way you have to make the texture compressed in area's I think so that when the texture wraps around the object it doesn't deform.  (If you take a perfect picture like that and wrap it around a cube, it simply will not look good)

Try texturing that square with a black texture with horizontal and verticle white lines on it..  Then, based on the lines you can see how the texture is wrapping around the object that you are working on.

I hope that helps a little...  ;)
