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Author Topic: International soldier model - open add-on  (Read 886 times)

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    • The Chain of Command / mods.kmarns.net
International soldier model - open add-on
« on: 07 Jun 2003, 22:11:29 »
The objective of this add-on is to provide beginning add-on makers with a free-for-use soldier model.

It's actually nothing more than the original OFP soldier with a more realistic PASGT helmet and a bunch of extra features. The special part is in the conditions under which add-on makers can use or modify it.

Thanks to Frandsen for the camouflaged face texture.

The eye candy:


An unofficial addon For Operation Flashpoint: Resistance
by W.M. Crielaard http://mods.kmarns.net/

This document contains:


Copyright © 2003 KMARNS.NET

This license is subject to the license provided with BI Studio's
Oxygen and Oxygen Viewer tools. In any situation of contradicting
information, the BI Studio's Oxygen/Oxygen viewer license agreement
takes precedence over this document.

In short, you may use or modify this add-on under the following conditions:
- You may not restrict 3rd parties in the use or modification of any add-ons that
  are based on this add-on.
- You MUST provide an un-binarized version of the P3D files for any add-ons based
  on this international soldier model.
- You MUST provide an un-binarized CONFIG.CPP version for any add-ons based on
  this add-on.
- When modifying this add-on, you are obligated to use an OFPEC registered tag.
- Any modifications will automatically be subjected to the abovementioned conditions
  mentioned above.
- Only non-commercial distribution of this add-on or parts of it is allowed.
  (which is stipulated by the Oxygen and Oxygen viewer tools license, not by this license)
- You do not have to request permission to use this add-on

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute copies of these conditions,
but changing it is not allowed.

The licenses for most add-ons are designed to take away your
freedom to share and/or change it.  By contrast, this License is intended
to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make
sure the software is free for all its users. You can apply it to
your add-ons, too.

When we speak of free add-ons, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  This licenses is designed to make sure that you have the
freedom to distribute copies of free add-ons, that you receive
configuration files, and modifyable P3D file or can get them
if you want, that you can change the add-on or use pieces of it
in new free add-ons; and that you know you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the add-on, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such an add-on, wether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
modifyable source files. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.

Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
add-on. If the add-on is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.

To prevent any conflicts with Operation Flashpoint add-ons, anyone modifying
the add-on that falls under this agreement will be obligated to tag his
work according to OFPEC regulation. (http://www.ofpec.com)

Finally, any free add-on is threatened constantly by patents.  We wish
to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free add-on will individually
obtain patent licenses, in effect making the add-on proprietary. To
prevent this, we want to make it clear that any patent must be licensed for
everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

Model based on original BIS work, by Willem-Matthijs Crielaard
Camouflaged faces by Frandsen
Coding by Willem-Matthijs Crielaard
Skin by Willem-Matthijs Crielaard
Special features by Willem-Matthijs Crielaard

This addon requires Operation Flashpoint: Resistance

RELEASE, 07-06-2003

---------      -----------
KMMSoldierWB      Soldier
KMMSoldierWG      Grenadier
KMMSoldierWMedic   Medic
KMMSoldierWMG      Machinegunner
KMMSoldierWLAW      LAW soldier
KMMSoldierWAT      AT soldier
KMMSoldierWAA      AA soldier
KMMSoldierWMortar   Mortar soldier

Textures for special features in this add-on:
\KMMint\sign_amf.paa   AMF(L) armpatch
\KMMint\Rank\pfc.paa   Rank markings USMC private
\KMMint\Rank\cpl.paa   Rank markings USMC corporal
\KMMint\Rank\sgt.paa   Rank markings USMC sergeant
\KMMint\Rank\lt.paa   Rank markings USMC luitenant
\KMMint\Rank\cpt.paa   Rank markings USMC captain
\KMMint\Rank\maj.paa   Rank markings USMC major
\KMMint\Rank\col.paa   Rank markings USMC colonel

Groups under WEST --> KMARNS - International infantry:
- Infantry
- Mechanized infantry

For add-on makers, the PBO file also contains a P3D file
and skin of a beret model. Simply copy and paste the
different LODs into the soldier model's LODs.

Use UnPBO to unpack this add-on's PBO file.
You can obtain a copy of UnPBO via the AvonLady's OFP FAQ

Features for this add-on:
- Camouflage face action
- Put on/Take off goggles action (BAS compatible)
- Take off/Put on helmet
- Custom armpatch (BAS compatible)
- Mutliplayer clan-sign as armpatch (automatic feature)
- Rank markings (simplified USMC rank markings included)

Players can use the action "Put on helmet" and "Take off helmet" and "Camouflage face" from
the actions menu. AI controlled marines can be ordered to camouflage faces or put on/take
off their helmets by their squad leader, by issuing an "action" order.

Note that "Camouflage face" is a one time actions. Faces cannot be cleaned during gameplay.

Mission makers and scripters are provided with the a series of commands, to control options
and actions:

<unit> animate ["HelmetState", 0]
Puts on the helmet of <unit>

<unit> animate ["HelmetState", 1]
Takes off the helmet of <unit>

<unit> animate ["FacecamoState", 1]
Camouflage the face of <unit>.

<unit> SetObjectTexture [0,<texture>]
To set the custom armpatch.
Example:  this setObjectTexture [0,"\KMMint\sign_amf.paa"];
You can of course also use textures that are included in your mission.

<unit> SetObjectTexture [1,<texture>]
To set the unit's rank markings. The rank markings for this model are on the chest.
Example:  this setObjectTexture [1,"\KMMint\rank\lt.paa"]

you can quickly change properties for an entire team using the "foreach" command. If you do so,
remember to Use  two double-quotes for strings.

"_x  animate [""HelmetState"", 1]" foreach units group team1_leader;

(note the extra double-quotes around "HelmetState")

The helmet on/off and camouflage face options do not work for multiplayer, unless you use a
special multiplayer script. The multiplayer script has been included as a separate file in the
addon. You may customize this script for your mission.

Place the script in your mission folder, and place the following line in the INIT line of all the
International soldier units:

this exec "IntMilInit.sqs";

The included multiplayer script will set the variable KMM_MpOverride to TRUE, to disable the
functions contained in the add-on. This way it can take over the required functionality and
prevent conflicts.

The AMF(L) is an immediate reaction force available to the Supreme Allied Commander
Europe (SACEUR). It was created in 1960 as a small multinational force that could be sent
on short notice to any part of Allied Command Europe under threat. AMF(L)'s mission was to
demonstrate the solidarity of the Alliance and its ability and determination to resist all forms
of aggression against any member of the Alliance.

The AMF(L) is a multinational brigade-sized formation, consisting of a Headquarters
at Heidelberg (Germany), combat, combat support and combat service support units
assigned to it by 14 NATO nations. For over four decades AMF(L) has supported a wide
variety of NATO exercises. Elements of the AMF(L) deployed to Albania in support of
operation ALLIED HARBOR to assist in the relief of refugees from April 1999 till September
1999. Its aerial counterpart, ACE Mobile Force Air deployed some of its elements to
Southeast Turkey during the Gulf War from January 1991 to March 1991.

extract the KMMint.PBO file, and put in operation flashpoint\Res\Addons folder.

This is NOT an official add-on. Use it at your own risk. The author does not guarantee
that this software will be fit to serve any purpose. The author will not be held
responsible for any damage these add-ons might incur, nor will we be responsible for
any problems you might encounter in installing or using this add-on. Any problems or
questions with this add-on should be directed to: matthijs@myrealbox.com

We do our best to make the add-ons as faultless as possible, but cannot guarantee
that there will not be any.

Be aware that if your make a mission that uses a custom add-on, the add-on will need
to be distributed with your mission.

uh.. oh... the link... :p


Note that this add-on is released on personal title. Any problems with it should be addressed to me, not the Chain of Command.