Ok Russ, i already posted on another post about this yesteday, and I'll throw that in here in the end of my post.
"Its all in the briefing."
Now I didn't want to know HTML, but you can pick it up quickly. There is another alternative though...
Step 1) Get me a cup of coffie, 2 sugars and creams please.
Step 2) D/L a .PBO
decriptor. You will use this tool to turn .pbo files into files you can view and edit.
Step 3) Find a mission similar to yours. What is important, since you have no idea yet on how HTML code works, try and find one that has the same # of objectives, and the endings you want (IE Ending 1 = Mission successful, go home and drink a beer. Ending 2 = You all died, mission failed.).
Step 4) Un-PBO the file, and open it up. Find the briefing.html file. Right click it, and open it up with "notepad". From this point, you need to study it (I recomend haveing a tutorial handy incase you get lost) and just edit the text to match your mission. Just as a hint, with HTML every quote, hyperlink, image, etc. has something in <these>, and end with the same thing, except a back-slash in </these>. Edit it as muc has you can understand, and when you have checked with the tutorial, and have no idea how to set soemthing or get rid of something you dont want, then post here, and we will go from there.
Step 5) If you succeed, then the following post that i have already made will be a basic tutorial to guide you in how objectives work.
Letme lay out a simple scenario. Were going to Petrovice to kill everything russian in it.
First off, lets talk about your briefing. Look up a tutorial on brieifings, do not just iwng it, it needs ot be done in a specific way, so get a tutorial. Now, make the briefing with everything. When you get to Objectives, make them. In our example make one objective named Obj 1, with a description ( so people know what the objective is ) of "Clear out the enemy force in Petrovice". Then make two endings. ending one is usualy saying "You completed the mission", and End 2 is something like "You all died, mission failed". While your at it, make the rest of your briefing. Save it in your mission folder as "Briefing.html"
OK, step 2, Make some crusty ruskies in Petrovice to go kill!
So now we have our Objective defined in the briefing, and an enemy force to destroy.
Step 3, makeing the "Objective complete triggers". Make a trigger. Do not make it too small, do not make it rediculously large. MAke it large enough to have all of Petrovice in it, and some extra incase some russians decide ot wonder about 200 Meters out of town.
Now, try to follow me. Obj1 is stated that all the russians are dead. So we want this trigger to be tripped when the East forces are not present (dead). So at the top, set it for activated by Easy, and set it to not present. Now in the "On activation" field, put
"1" objstatus "done"; obj1 = true;.
Now lets show you this in action. Preview your mission. Nothing should happen. LEts take a shortcut to show you and make sure the trigger works. Save the mission.
Now make one russian standing in the middle of a field on the map. Move the trigger away from petrovice and put it in the field, with the one soldier in it. (make sure no other east units are in it). Now place yourself on a hill overlooking the soldier, with your weapon of choice, say a sniper rifle or a tank. Hit preview. Line up a shot, and kill the russian.
If you did this right, you should be able to now press the "M" key and bring up your map. and see that Objective 1: Clear Petrovice, is now a green check.
Now keep this in mind too. HAveing all the objectives completed, does not make the mission end, that is done by another trigger that needs to be activated under certain conditions, that on activation will make "End 1" happen.
For end 2, liek say we all die. Make sure the only West units on the map are the players, no west AI. Have the trigger cover the whole map. Set it for West not present, and on activation, End 2. So now we all die, and end 2 comes up "Mission failed, we all died.