I got this kinda solved, but I got atleast 1 more interesting dilemma in need of solving.
After half a year nothing is that interesting, what a n00b ^ ;D
Ok I am at the same spot quite much, but I've made a significant amount of little improvements, and I'm ready to release this messy monster, which really isn't about controlling units but arming them without the radio menu. More than 1 guy and 1 clip at a time :-X all at once is the name of the game! should come handy if your experiencing the "weapon-to-ammocrate = potentially-to-insane-amounts-multiplying-weaponholders-on-the-ground" bug.
But, since I wan't to include the option of creating the selected weapons on the ground, I've hit a dead end. How do you make weaponholders visible to those players which were not local when the dialog was created (the script doesn't exit for them, just that the dialog doesn't show on them)?
_caller = _this select 0
_unit = _this select 1
? (local _unit) : createDialog "equipDialog"
and the creation point of the processing script (which is launched from a button, does that make it global?):
_primstr = lbData [13968, lbCurSel 13968]
_mag1str = lbData [139617, lbCurSel 139617]
if ((_primstr != "NONE") && (MIF_WQprimstock select (lbCurSel 13968) > 0)) then {_primhold = "weaponholder" createVehicle getPos _curunit; _primhold setPos getPos _curunit; _primhold addWeaponCargo [format ["%1",_primstr],1];_newPrimStock = (MIF_WQprimstock select (lbCurSel 13968));_newPrimStock = _newPrimStock - 1;MIF_WQprimstock set [(lbCurSel 13968),_newPrimStock]}
if ((_mag1str != "NONE") || (_mag1amo != 0)) then {_mag1hold = "weaponholder" createVehicle getPos _curunit; _mag1hold setPos getPos _curunit; _mc = 0;while "(_mc < _mag1amo) && (MIF_WQmagastock select (lbCurSel 139617) > 0)" do {_mag1hold addMagazineCargo [format ["%1",_mag1str],1];_newMagStock = (MIF_WQmagastock select (lbCurSel 139617));_newMagStock = _newMagStock - 1;MIF_WQmagastock set [(lbCurSel 139617),_newMagStock];_mc = _mc + 1}}
_whis = [_mag1hold,_mag2hold,_mag3hold,_mag4hold,_primhold,_sechold,_thihold,_fouhold,_fifhold]
_whi = 0
while "(whi < (count _whis))" do {if(format [{%1},isnull (_whis select _whi)] != {true}) then {publicVariable (_whis select _whi)}; _whi = _whi + 1;};
So, there you have the _primstr which is from the dialogs listbox which selections contain strings as data. For example "HK".
Then the same with _mag1str, "HK" again.
Then if the _primstr is "HK" or anything it will create a weaponholder and stuff the "HK" in it.
Then the same with _mag1str.
Lastly, I do a PV command for each of the strings that are not null.
The problem is, the weapons and mags & equipment show up only on the client who used the dialog. I don't make them exit the script anywhere...
EDIT: ofcourse the dialog is launched via used action; ofcourse the other clients are thrown out. duh. sigh