[OFP] Mission Pack by Mikero

Mission Pack by Mikero

Mission details

Type Campaign
Player side West
Island Custom
Time of Day Mixed
Weather Mixed
Filesize 10.02MB

Mission requirements

Game OFP v 1.96
Addons None

Overview - 0
Briefing - 0
Camera - 0
Scripting - 0

User rating


27 Aug 2007





A collections of very playable missions, compiled by Mikero for public use. This isn't a pack of the 'top 100' hit tunes, they are simply tested, playable missions. - Mikero

Click to see 1 other mission by this author.

Review by Tyger


The campaign overviews were mostly that of the authors, modified by Mikero only to include the author names where necessary.


Many of the missions contained intros, and while most were simple affairs with no real scripting, none of the intros were 'bad'.

A majority of the missions contained outros. As with the intros, the outros were mostly trigger based, but none were unworthy of an average score.


All of the missions included briefings. Some were in foreign languages, but the missions were still playable, as the objectives and point of the mission were still easily figured out. Shy away from this campaign only if bad grammar in mission briefings gives you a rash or fever.


All of the missions were playable with no errors. Most were average missions would be rated around a 4-6, but several were good missions that would receive higher scores.


The ability to sit down and play a fun mission or two just when you want one.


The campaign, as Mikero calls it, does perfectly what he meant it to do. It is a collection of missions that can be played one or two at a time just when you are out looking for a good fun mission to entertain you. None of the missions are buggy, and all would rate a minimum score of about 4 here at OFPEC. While some are in a foreign language, they are still easy to work through, and it makes the mission all the more fun trying to guess what the next stage is about. The campaign is interlaced with a few excellent missions, that spice up the game play right about when it starts to drag. Mikero even took the time to group the missions by the island they are on. Unfortunately, the only quirk was that Mikero flip-flopped Kolgujev and Everon when announcing the next islands. Lastly, and probably the most important aspect to this campaign was that none of the missions required addons. All in all, the campaign was a success. Since the average mission score in the pack would rate about a 6, I am therefore dutifully assigning a 6 to the campaign. But I feel that Mikero was not submitting this for a score but rather to entertain the community. Game on!

You can view the beta thread here.

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