[Arma2] BattleField2 by Zonekiller

BattleField2 by Zonekiller

Mission details

Type Multiplayer (Coop)
Player side East
Island Utes
Time of Day Mixed
Weather Mixed
Playable slots 24
Respawn/Revive Custom
Filesize 101.13KB

Mission requirements

Game Arma2 v 1.02
Addons None

Overview - 0
Briefing - 6
Camera - 0
Scripting - 8

User rating


28 Dec 2009





This mission has a BattleField2 style gameplay with plenty of action. Battlefield2 is a multi player mission which can be played with 1 - 24 players.

Review by Hoz


The briefing itself is plain and simple. The author lays down the ground rules for the player, however, a bit more care could have gone into organizing the information into sections and sprucing up the briefing with a picture. Overall the briefing included everything you needed to play the mission.

The lobby has a plethora of options for you to choose from. Just sticking with the default options is wise until you've given the mission a few tries.

The options range from AI skill, the number of AI on each side to disabling the grass.  ZoneKiller is really putting the new parameter options to work.

There is no weapons pool, however, you will find plenty of ammo on the ground at the bases. In addition to that, when you respawn you are given the option to change loadouts.


Zonekiller's Battlefield2 mission is an excellent mission for all types of players. The mission package comes with two versions, one for each island. The Utes version seems like the more polished version of the two. Its definetely the funnier of the two missions to play. There is a ton of  action as the bases are placed fairly close together.  The Chernarus version is a lot more layed back with the battles being more sparse and often having dull lulls as you travel from base to base. In the Chernarus version the mission overall seems to be lacking the instant action from the smaller island approach and I think it is more geared toward larger battles with more players.

The objective is pretty straightforward, capture all the bases and you have won! It sounds pretty easy, however Zonekiller has tweaked the AI very well to go out and capture and defend the bases. The AI units are trained to jump into your tank as gunner, or take over empty vehicles and plough forward onto the next base. A few times I found myself stopping for a minute to observe the AI at work, Zonekiller's work at piecing together the  AI scripting is pretty remarkable.


Battlefield2 includes some very smart AI scripting along with many configurable options in the multiplayer lobby to change up battles.  The Utes version is definetly the more enjoyable of the two version included.


If you play by yourself or with a bunch of friends/squad mates your going to find this mission full of excitement. You can decrease the AI skill and pump up the vehicles and AI players and have a blast! Our mission times varied from 20 minutes to 2 hours trying to capture the bases with 3 medium skilled players.

You can view the beta thread here.

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